
The use of M12 connector

The M12 connector, which has proven itself in industrial applications, is also a top performer in outdoor applications. The use of specific materials makes this possible.
Industrial environments would be unimaginable without the classic M12 connector. Data, sensor and power applications are all mastered by the M12. The connector's manufacture relies on well-known materials and production processes: die-casting, injection molding and turning technique all enter the picture.
Increased flexibility and the decentralization of facilities are associated with a growing need to also deploy connectors in harsh environments, as well as outdoors. Today, connectors are expected to feature adequate encapsulation against salt spray and mist, which in turn requires more resistant materials.
Consequently, this has demonstrated that the M12 connectors are robust and suitable for scenarios in the harshest of environments.Though M12 connector is used in many fields,we still insit that the quality of the M12 connctor is prior.
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